Fuck their lifes

Today, I took a picture of myself and put it on Facebook. After I did so, I realized that in the background, you can see my crush's Facebook page up on my laptop. He tagged himself. FML
Today, my mom was snooping around my room, and found the unopened box of glow in the dark condoms I bought myself year ago. She laughed and said, "No takers yet, eh?" FML
Today, my boyfriend snuck into my house and hid in my closet. Knowing that I have a phobia of people jumping out of closets, he nonetheless thought it would be funny to see how I'd react. I had a panic attack and was taken to the hospital. FML
Today, while on MSN, I received a touchy-feely message from an unknown sender. Thinking it was my friends playing a prank on me, I replied, "WHO DA F*CK IS THIS?!" Let's just say I won't be looking my grandmother in the eye again for a while. FML

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